How To Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

6:06 PM

The dreaded LDR: A relationship that most people try to avoid, but many end up stuck in anyways. There are a lot of people who believe they simply don't work, how could they? Is it a real relationship anyways? What's the point? Is it really worth it?

When you meet the right person, even with hundreds or thousands of miles in-between, it's definitely worth it.

Of course they aren't easy, and it takes a significant amount of work on both ends. Coming from someone who is on their second LDR, I've learned what works and what doesn't when it comes to distance. There have been a lot of ups and downs, but the ups I've experienced have always outweighed the downs.

Long distance might not be right for some people, but for those that want to make it work, here's a list I've conjured up for the hopeful and the determined:

1. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

I seriously can't stress this enough. The most important key to any relationship, especially long distance, is to communicate. Since you don't have the luxury of seeing each other face-to-face, it's vital you express how you feel and avoid bottling in emotions. Whether something is bothering you or you just want to say "I love you", make sure you say it. Silence will break you.

2. Take advantage of technology.

We live in the wonderful age of technology, which means you don't have to deliver letters by pigeon anymore. Schedule weekly video calls, make time to hear their voice over a phone call, and most importantly always say good morning and good night to one another. It's gives both of you something to look forward to when you wake up and when you go to bed.

3. Trust each other.

This can break a lot of couples apart, even ones who aren't in long distance relationships. You have to trust that your partner is respecting your relationship and not behaving like their single friends. It's incredibly difficult at times, but trust creates a stable foundation for every relationship and if you both value each other, then trust should come easily.

4. Get creative.

Even though you can't physically be together, there are a lot of fun ways to surprise one another, whether it be sending a package or a card or ordering food from the Starbucks app and sending it to the closest location like mine did for me. You don't have to fall into a routine-there are ways to spice it up and make your significant other feel special (even miles apart).

5. Plan visits.

This one is self explanatory, but important. Plan when you will see each other next. It gives you both something to look forward to.

6. Play games.

I mean the fun and digital kind. There are plenty of mobile games you can play with your partner to make things a bit more fun. It's gives you something to tease each other about and another fun aspect of the day to look forward to.

7. Express how you feel.

This is similar to communication, but always express how you're feeling. If you are in a down mood and really missing your partner, tell them! They are the one person who not only feels the same way, but can comfort you and make you feel better. It's better to let out your feelings then keep them in. Containing in your emotions will whither you.

8. Keep yourself busy.

Focus on work, school, hobbies, friends and family, really anything that will pass the time. It's easy to feel alone and down when you're bored with nothing to do, so keep your mind busy and find something to work on.

9. Take the time you have to better yourself.

Since you aren't constantly spending time together, this is the perfect time to really focus on yourself. Take the time to check out that book you've really been wanting to read, or pick up a hobby and perfect it. In other words, date yourself.

10. Be patient.

It's not going to be easy and some days will feel harder than others. This is someone you really love and care about, your best friend, and it's hard to not miss them and feel a sense of emptiness without them. The best you can do for yourself is practice patience and know that in time, you'll be together again.

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