5 Tips for Surviving Your Last Semester of College

6:29 PM

Each year college seems to go by faster and before you know it you're a senior holding a black coffee in one hand and a crumpled up job application in the other (probably on the verge of a mental breakdown). It's easily the craziest year of your college career and it has the ability to truly wear you down, but with a few simple tips you can tackle on the rest of your school year no problem.

1. Stay organized.

Your last semester of college means group projects, job interviews, big exams, important presentations, work assignments, and a hundred million other things that your brain probably can't retain. It's wise to use a planner of some sort, whether it be paper or digital, and write down everything you have going on. It saves yourself the stress of having to remember and it guarantees you won't forget anything important. It's a great way to stay on track.

2. Hit the gym.

As Elle Woods once said, "exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy." And she's right. Even for 30 minutes, squeezing physical activity into your day not only keeps you healthier but also relieves a bit of stress. This doesn't mean you have to go to the gym. You can dance, ride your bike, go rollerblading, hula-hoop, really anything. It's all about what's fun and will get you moving.

3. Make time for yourself.

This was something I struggled with until recently. I didn't realize how important it was to set aside an hour of the day for myself. This means time where I'm not hanging out with anyone or working on homework of some sort, just simply doing something I personally enjoy and doing it alone. I found that when I took that little bit of time to watch a television show or read a book, I was less stressed-out about everything else going on in my life.

4. Leave negativity at the door.

It will destroy you like the plague. Stay positive, it's really the best you can do. The idea of graduating is pretty daunting. You have to make sure you pass your classes and get the necessary credits in, as well as hope that you can find a job after everything is said and done. It's an extremely stressful time, but beating yourself up and losing hope will only make everything worse. Keep your chin up, everything will fall into place like it should.

5. Remind yourself you can do this.

It's tough out there, especially in the adult world. Just remember you are awesome and you can do anything if you put your mind to it. At the least, fake it till you make it.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love every one of these tips! I especially love "leave negativity at the door". The minute negative thoughts start roaming through our heads, it completely alters our actions. One of my favorite quotes that has been carried with my since middle school is "Life isn't waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." Learning to dance in the rain can completely change your perspective on any obstacle that stands in your way. Great article! Thanks for sharing :)
