Senior Year of College: Goal List

1:19 PM

Who doesn't love lists right? Well, maybe some people don't. I don't have room for that kind of negativity in my life though. Next to heaping bowls of ice cream and adorable puppies, lists are a very real obsession of mine (grocery lists, to do-list, the whole ordeal). Not only are they a great way to stay organized, but they help me reflect on what I want and need to accomplish in my life then give me the focus to achieve them. 

Now that the end of my college career is approaching and I'm entering into the whirlwind life of adulthood, what better time than now to create a list of goals I want to accomplish before I ditch the backpack and pick up the leather messenger bag. 

So without further ado, here they are.

1. Start a Journal

I've been very on and off with journaling since high school, but it's something I would love to start and stick to. It's a nice keepsake I can look back on years down the line, and I can organize my thoughts and emotions in one place. 

2. Read One Book Per a Month

Reading is one of my favorite past times, but school really makes that hard to do. If I can at least get through one personal read a month, I'll be happy.

3. Apply to Jobs Every Week-Get an Offer for After Graduation

This one is a biggie. Once my resume and cover letter is update, I want to start applying to a few jobs every week. Hopefully I'll receive a few interviews and maybe a job down the line. This is the most important goal for the semester. 

4. Eat Less Carbs and Sugars-Incporparte More Fruits, Veggies, and Protein

The healthier I eat, the better I feel. I want to start treating my body right and nourish it with food thats better for me.

5. Exercise 5 Times a Week

Not only do I want to do this for weight loss, but just like I mentioned earlier I want my body in its best and healthiest state. This might take some time to achieve, but if I can get started and make exercising a habit (whether it's hitting the gym or going for a bike ride) I'll be a stronger and healthier person in the end.

6. Write 30 Minutes a Day

In addition to reading, I absolutely love to write. It's something I don't do often enough, and I would like to do a little bit everyday to strengthen my writing skills. It's also a great outlet to help me relax when everything starts to get stressful at work and school.

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  1. I absolutely love this list! I have a similar type of list I started over winter break. I want to read at least one book a week, but make that one book count and what I mean by that is, don't just read any random book, pick a business book that I can apply to my daily life or a fiction novel I'll really enjoy.I found if I just read any book I get bored easily and that makes me not want to read. So, my overall goal is to make reading relaxing, that way I want to do it more than binge watch Shameless (which is an amazing show). And I had the same goal of eating more fruit as well! I found it very easy to buy pre-cut fruits and make fruit bowls in the morning. It's simple, tastes great, and gets your day off to a healthy start!

  2. I love this post Megan! Over Christmas break I decided to set a few goals for myself this semester as well. Last semester was really hectic for me and I felt like I wasn't really taking care of myself, so I really want to workout more and eat healthier. I'm also trying to mediate every morning and night. I've been using this app called Calm and I'm really enjoying it. You should check it out if that is something you are interested in! Reading is also another goal on my list. I'm really trying to read every night before going to bed instead of going on my phone or computer. It is great way to unwind and I love getting lost in another world for awhile.

  3. Great list, Megan! It's balanced and motivational.
